PopTray home PopTray 3.2 Renier Crause Home Page
OPEN-SOURCE Mail Notifier
Version History
 (+) New feature
 (*) Changed feature
 (-) Bug fixed

1.0	2000-10-18
	(+) First (non-beta) Release!
1.0.1	2000-10-20
	(+) Beta of Wav/Delete Rules implemented.
1.0.2	2000-10-23
	(+) Enable/Disable of accounts.
1.1	2000-12-14
	(+) Released into the Wild.
	(*) Changed name from PopCheck to PopTray.
1.1.1	2001-01-08
	(-) Fixed bug with Interval Option not Saved.
1.1.2	2001-01-11
	(+) Option to switch off decoding of Preview Message.
1.2	2001-01-19
	(+) Added custom color TrayIcon per Account.
	(+) Optional Logging of rules (Tab separated file).
	(+) Mix Colors if multiple accounts.
	(+) Show Last Checked Time in Tray Hint.
	(*) Moved Account Info to Options screen.
	(*) Check if Account Info is saved when going to another.
	(*) Use rectangle in TrayIcon when more than 9 e-mails.
	(*) Minimum window size.
1.2.1	2001-01-22
	(+) RightClick menu for Preview & Delete.
	(+) Added E-Mail address to About Box.
	(*) Save Account button only enabled if Info changed.
	(*) HourGlass when checking for Mail and Previewing.
	(*) Preview & Delete only enabled when Msg selected.
	(-) Preview Disconnect from Server after Msg retrieved.
	(-) Preview window OK button resize bug fixed.
1.2.2	2001-01-24
	(+) Added Ability to give path for INI files on commandline.
	(*) Increased number of accounts to 20 (on request).
	(-) Possible HourGlass cursor when connection fails.

1.2.3	2001-02-26
	(+) Added "Always on Top" option.
	(*) Different way of hiding/showing form.
1.2.4	2001-03-02
	(*) Better Password Encryption.
	(*) Store Password using printable ASCII only.
	(*) Multi-Line Hint on Win2000 only.
	(*) Save Sort Column.
	(*) Indicate Sort Column.
1.2.5	2001-03-13
	(+) New Rule to Ignore message (don't notify).
	(+) Reply to message using mailto:
	(*) Ignored messages will not be included in TrayIcon count.
1.2.6	2001-03-16
	(+) Added StatusBar for each account.
	(+) Show Connect-Error Icon.
	(+) Show Form on Notification (option).
	(*) Large Font compatible.
	(-) Fixed HandPoint cursor on About links.
1.2.7	2001-04-10
	(+) "X" Close Button minimize (option).
	(+) Never Check button.
	(*) Shortcut Keys on Options.
	(*) Reduced memory usage (used extra mem since 1.2.3).
	(*) Filters on Open WAV file.
1.2.8	2001-04-23
	(*) ESC key disconnects or minimizes form.
	(*) More stable saving of form position.
	(*) Better date sorting.
	(-) Shutdown bug fixed.
1.2.9	2001-04-24
	(-) Saving form position when "X Minimizes" option on.
	(-) Fixed Large Font support (buttons disappeared).

1.5 (beta 1)	2001-07-23	
	(+) Timer Interval per account (option).
	(+) Get Default E-Mail client when none specified.
	(+) Multiple Preview windows.
	(+) Save Preview Message (TXT or MSG).
	(+) Stop Button during Preview download.
	(+) Option for Delete Confirmation.
	(+) Indicate New/Changed features and bugs in ReadMe.
	(*) Moved Accounts to new tab.
	(*) New Color Select box.
	(*) Progress on Preview screen.
	(*) Hot Keys for Preview & Delete (Space & Del).
	(*) Default Start-Up Position in Lower-Right corner.
	(*) Changed text on "Run E-Mail Client" button.
	(*) Show same account in Accounts as in Mail.
	(*) Give Error when no E-Mail Client specified.
	(-) Allow Command-Line params in E-Mail Program.

1.5 (beta 2)	2001-08-10
	(+) Installation Options: Desktop Icon, Startup.
	(*) Switched to Inno Setup 2.0
	(*) Accounts buttons on ToolBar.
	(*) Allow window to be resized smaller.
	(*) Auto Scrollbars for Option screens.
	(*) Keep users regional DateFormat.
	(-) Access Violation when no accounts configured.
	(-) Always-on-Top startup position not saved.
	(-) Always-on-Top Preview was behind main window.
	(-) Preview message that doesn't exist.

1.5 (beta 3)	2001-08-14
	(+) New look web site.
	(+) Mailing List for new version.
	(+) List attachment filenames in Preview hint.
	(-) Access Violation with empty password.
	(-) Delete Files I created in TempDir.
	(-) Preview with no body (only attachments).
1.5 (beta 4)	2001-08-17
	(+) "New Mail Message" button.
	(+) Option to Reset Tray when viewing list.
	(+) Help on Options (using tool tips).

1.5 (beta 5)	2001-08-21
	(+) Check for Update on website.
	(-) Right-Click menu didn't work in NT 4.
	(-) Some passwords decrypted incorrectly.
	(-) About in tray menu went to Rules tab.
	(-) Options in tray menu went to Accounts tab.
	(-) Access Violation with "Reset TrayIcon" option.

1.5 (beta 6)	2001-08-22
	(+) "Check if On-Line" option (untested).
	(*) F5 short-cut key to refresh current account.
	(-) Some beta 5's called themselves beta 6.

1.5 (beta 7)	2001-08-24	
	(+) Detailed HTML Help.
	(+) F1 for Help Contents.
	(+) Shift-F1 for Context-Sensitive Help.
	(-) Don't Reset TrayIcon when viewing options.
	(-) Fixed Tab-Order on Accounts page.

1.5 (beta 8)	2001-08-27
	(+) New domain http://poptray.crause.co.za
	(+) New contact email address renier@crause.co.za
	(*) Update about for new web address.
	(*) Update about for new email address.
	(*) Update help for new web address.
	(*) Update help for new email address.
	(-) Show Form on Notification shows mail list.
1.5 (beta 9)	2001-09-05
	(+) Show from e-mail address in ToolTip.
	(+) Forum on my website http://forum.crause.co.za
	(*) Click on attachments (preview) to get a list.
	(-) Blank password decryption.
	(-) Stop on Preview broke MailCheck.
1.5 (beta 10)	2001-09-21
	(+) Drag and Drop files to create attachments.
	(+) Minimize to Tray option.
	(+) Save Preview window size.
	(+) Save Preview window maximized state.
	(*) Setup has a new picture.
	(-) Setup sets short-cut Start-In directory.
	(-) Show Help file from PopTray directory.
	(-) Negative count when "Reset Tray" option.

1.5 (beta 11)	2001-09-27
	(+) System Hot-Key to check for messages.
	(+) Allow only one instance running.
	(+) Added "New Message" to TrayMenu.
	(+) Option to Check for Mail on Single Click.
	(*) Removed the 20 accounts limit.
	(*) Changed to Jedi-TaskBarIcon component.
	(*) Removed RXLib (smaller exe, less memory).
	(*) Changed MAPI code not to look in Registry.
	(*) Show "Already Connected" error in StatusBar.
	(*) Minimize when clicking "New" button.
	(*) Don't change "To-Tray" button to "Quit" button.
	(-) Check for Update with beta > 9.

1.5 (beta 12)	2001-09-28
	(+) Rule to Execute a file.
	(-) Shutdown (bug in TrayIcon component).

1.5 (beta 13)	2001-10-26
	(+) Middle-Click checks for mail.
	(+) TrayIcon now survives explorer.exe kill.
	(+) "Don't Show Error Dialogs" option added.
	(+) Balloon hint on connect error (Win2000+).
	(*) True-Color shaded glyphs for buttons.
	(*) Double-Click no longer show-window/hide-window.
	(*) Options split into Tabs.
	(*) Switched to Indy 9 (beta).
	(*) Changed to CoolTrayIcon component.
	(-) "Check if On-line" code fixed.
	(-) Fixed bugs that came with Indy 9.
1.5 (beta 14)	2001-11-06
	(+) Mouse Buttons now customizable.
	(+) "Check and Show" Mouse action added.
	(+) Option for "Double-Click delay on Click".
	(+) Ctrl-A selects entire Preview message.
	(*) Faster saving of Rules under NT/2000/XP.
	(*) Updated Help with new Options/Features.
	(*) Removed "Single-Click Check" option.
	(-) Show default option tab on start-up.
	(-) Balloon Error only if not showing error dialog.
	(-) Run E-Mail client twice.
	(-) Rules try to delete the same message twice.
1.5 (beta 15)	2001-11-22	
	(+) Password protection.
	(+) Show MailBox size.
	(+) Info Mouse Action.
	(*) WindowsXP 48x48 icon.
	(-) Prevent saving window position outside screen.
	(-) Prevent deleting while busy deleting.	
	(-) Balloon Hint errors sometimes wrong.
	(-) Invalid date errors.
1.5 (beta 16)	2001-12-20
	(+) Right-Click add rule.
	(+) Show different icon for MIME attachments.
	(+) Compare methods in rules (Contains,Equals,Empty,Wildcard).
	(+) Wildcards allowed in the rules (*,?).
	(+) More search areas rules (CC,FromName,FromAddress).
	(+) "Toggle Message Window" mouse action added.
	(+) Save Message as Outlook Express (*.EML)
	(+) Enable/Disable AutoCheck from Tray Menu.
	(+) Different Icon if you viewed a message (option).
	(*) Rules Save button Enabled/Disabled as needed.
	(-) Reset Deleting Flag when Connection Error.
	(-) Notify without Tray Icon when Reset Tray option on.
1.5 (beta 17)	2001-12-28
	(+) Animate TrayIcon to display messages in each Account.
	(+) Show New Messages.
	(+) Ctrl-A select all messages.
	(*) Better detection of new messages.
	(*) Better detection of viewed messages (per account).
	(-) Show Info dialog to the front.
1.5 (beta 18)	2001-12-31
	(+) New "To" column.
	(+) Show/Hide columns (right-click the column header).
	(*) Don't allow to check while busy checking.
	(*) Better Large Fonts support.
	(-) Animation fixed for only one account (broken in beta 17).

1.5 (beta 19)	2002-01-02
	(+) Hot-Keys for mouse actions.
	(*) Changed default save format to *.EML
	(*) Changed text: Animated for Accounts to Rotating Icon.
	(-) Date Sorting fixed (broken in beta 18).
	(-) SystemHotKey with Stay On Top fixed.
	(-) Animated, Rotating TrayIcon with only one account.
	(-) Delete Rule still showed the deleted message.
	(-) Delete Rule gave error "Still Busy Checking".

1.5 (beta 20)	2002-01-04
	(*) Test Sound buttons on Accounts and Rules.
	(*) Faster loading of rules.
	(-) Delete Confirmation showed incorrect Subject.
	(-) "To:" address without space between name and address.
	(-) Vertical Tab Captions on Win95.
	(-) Invalid Dates: show original text.
	(-) E-Mail Client Icon when in Quotes.
1.5 (beta 21)	2002-01-05
	(+) Stop button to disconnect while checking.
	(*) Some cosmetic changes.
	(*) Changed to 4 generic HotKeys.
	(*) Cancel button for Saving Accounts.
	(-) Error in retrieving showed empty headers.

1.5 (beta 22)	2002-01-05
	(-) Accounts Save/Cancel/Help buttons fixed position.
	(-) Check when No Accounts defined.
	(-) Minimize/Restore when No Accounts defined.
	(-) Delete Account when No Accounts defined.
	(-) Changing right-hand tabs when Account not saved.
	(-) Minimum FormSize increased for Accounts buttons.
1.5 (beta 23)	2002-01-09
	(*) Update List only when the active tab is being checked.
	(-) Timer interval went to -1.
	(-) Never button and interval UpDown went out of sync.
	(-) Minimum width increased to include Stop button.
	(-) Right-click add rule "Equal" -> "Equals".
1.5 (beta 24)	2002-01-10
	(+) Option to ignore Retrieve Errors.
	(-) Cancel Account wanted to delete account.
	(-) Account Timer interval went to -1.
	(-) Better Interval UpDown support.
	(-) AutoCheck enabled didn't work for multiple timers.
	(-) Mark all accounts Viewed when running e-mail client.
	(-) Decode Preview of message with -- on one line.
1.5 (beta 25)	2002-01-11
	(+) Not released.
	(-) Interval checking stopped working.

2.0		2002-01-11
	(+) Released !!